Le dichiarazioni di Seedorf e Leonardo
Ecco le dichiarazioni di ieri, dalla conferenza stampa ufficiale Milan della vigilia di Champions League. Presenti in Sala Conferenze, a Milanello, Leonardo e Clarence Seedorf.
Il tecnico rossonero ha iniziato a rispondere dalle domande sul buon momento del Milan e sulla partita contro il Marsiglia:
"I risultati positivi di questo periodo hanno portato un nuovo morale e i risultati in Champions League e in campionato non sono così differenti perché seguono uno stesso percorso. Ogni partita, however, has its own story, not important to feel good or feel bad.
This company has a long tradition in Europe and must be adhered to. Every time you play a game you can think clearly at the end, but then again, every game has its own story and we can not look back.
September's match in Marseille has given us so much, has given us more security, but every time it takes the field must start over. That tomorrow will be a very important game for the OM.
Tomorrow we will try to keep our game, we will as always win and I believe it will also Marseille.
The French football is a collection of English and Italian football, is a calcium balance. Perhaps the French league is due to less global. Today, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon and PSG are still very well what is the French football. "
Then Leonardo was called to answer questions on some of our squad players:
" The situation is Gattuso very clear, I speak with him, he is injured now and wish all of us is that it will recover soon. His problem, if any, will be addressed in a timely manner. He has a great relationship with me and with the company, whatever you have to be addressed is not and will never be a real problem. His problem now is the accident e io mi auguro che torni quanto prima. Borriello? Sta facendo un controllo solo per sicurezza, valuteremo la sua situazione nel pomeriggio, credo che la decisione la prenderemo domani. Io sono ottimista perchè dopo la partita con il Cagliari era tranquillo, però qualcosina ha sentito, vedremo e valuteremo dopo l'allenamento di oggi. Seedorf? Per quanto riguarda i ruoli chiave della squadra e i giocatori che fanno la differenza, c'è sempre discussione, ci sono grandi esigenze nei confronti di giocatori come Clarence. Però lui è maestro nel saper tenere altissimo il livello della sua concentrazione e della sua sicurezza, è per questo che dopo tanti anni, alla sua età, è ancora in grado di essere sempre determinante. Ha impostato la sua carriera sull'attenzione e sulla concentrazione. Chi conosce il percorso di Clarence, non può che trovare logico il suo stato di forma attuale, la sua carriera è esemplare a livello di gestione di sè stesso. Inzaghi? Le spiegazioni vengono da sole, io cerco sempre di parlare con i giocatori e di spiegare perchè ho fatto una scelta piuttosto che un'altra. All'interno io sono tranquillissimo con il gruppo, sono molto sincero, non solo con Pippo ma con tutti. Gli equilibri non sono mai facilissimi, ma io sono molto tranquillo sul piano dei rapporti".
Ancora Leonardo: "Seedorf in Nazionale? Non posso entrare anche su queste questioni, però negli ultimi anni nell'Olanda sono successe molte cose. Se guardiamo al Brasile, One of our players came back to be called, but there are two others that deserve it. I do not think Seedorf has been overlooked, I think about every decision and every situation are so many factors affecting, especially when it comes to National. "
These, however, considerations of Clarence Seedorf who started talking about the good time that is experiencing the team:
"I think the fact that it has changed coach has created a stimulus. For me, Leonardo is a new incentive: I have to get him on the field, showing off to allow him to make his choices. It 'was to be a good 'start to the season very difficult, with ups and downs, and if today we are like we are, on is his because he had courage and we have below. We players, within us, we won with the daily work and the belief in our means so we started to do well.
This team is new, has a new coach and is trying to build something important. I think one year we all want to consolidate everything and be able to build important things. "
Clarence He then focused on tomorrow against the French and the Champions League in general:" We are one step closer to next round and Milan must absolutely believe we can do it, but not limited to access to the knockout stage, we participate in this competition to win. This club has in its DNA the duty to look as high as possible and this allows us to move forward. We have the passion to face difficult games such as tomorrow.
The OM is a very strong team, we are in Marseille we got a very important result. Only in the second half we knew their strength. The Marseille is a team that has our respect and we will try to impose our game, aware of their strengths. "
Seedorf then concluded:" My head is totally here, in Italy, with Milan, I'm the one that depend on me I do, the rest we'll see. I always try to do my job. "