guys I sent you the cover the number one because, as in the group TNT - Alan Ford & Co. - is the most important. Sunday will cover the result of the second issue, on newsstands run before it runs out! A very detailed article we of Quattrocchi on croaker surf casting, I made a detailed gallery of the most widely used and valid for 3 pieces of surf and always use as my signature Fasoli in the surf brushland.
FISH AND DINNER Surely it would be nice on the morning of Dec. 30 to find a beautiful sea, waters sufficiently stirred, e. fresh bait. "I inchiappettato all fishmongers. Maybe not the one photos, maybe 8-pound, then maybe a pound and a bass from passing on the table and then the king heard all the relatives that you glorify. And no! not what happened this morning. Spigolotta a 3-pound, then un'ombrina equal weight. Yet I am convinced that it was not the right place Mondragone. Some of you today has been at or Fusaro Licola? There a few fish size worth of photos would come out for sure. Meanwhile, a salute to Onofaro Sandro: one of the great sport fishing in Italy. sandro send us some beautiful photos. Hello everyone
Dear friends, I told you briefly about the new venture faced with Planet Ocean Fishing. Ora per chi non l'avese trovata in edicola vi mostro la copertina del primo numero. Sono certo che crescerà molto perchè c'è davvero tanta qualità e esperienza. Vorrei da voi un aiuto per farla crescere meglio, con i vostri brevi raconti, le foto, notizie ..insomma vorrei che la sentiste un pò anche vostra attraverso me che sono vostro amico. Noi tutti peschiamo quasi esclusivamente da terra e se le cose andranno come spero e speriamo ci sarà una sorpresa bellissima. A presto