let's go with''''THE YEAR OF LEAD
often unconsciously story is labeled as a school subject and trashed''useless''with notional acts solely for the purpose tend to give those schools and institutional foundations from which we can not just ignore. If an individual, on the contrary, to be carried on it a critical and analytical method of study and merged its content comparing them to the social condition in which he is living, would be curious as significant and it shows in the eyes of the people, changing aspects and facets that otherwise do not conform to societal change, maintaining, however, intact roots historical and sociological precisely where this concept came to be formed there. Anthropology and sociology are not fields of study that I compete, so I would not bore you further continuing the speech made so far. However, I reconnect to the same, starting from a theory developed by an eminent philosopher and jurist, Giovan Battista Vico and his''historic''courses and resorts. The concept of history is characterized, according to the philosopher, by a progressive course with neither uniform nor a mechanical process towards the ideal .. According to Vico, therefore, every civilization has a course fundamentally progressive, which reached its climax, it stops and entra in crisi. E’ la ciclicità delle ere storiche,dunque,il tema sul quale vorrei dibattere,prendendo in considerazione in particolar modo le analogie che intercorrono tra il periodo in cui naque la I Repubblica e l’attuale governo Berlusconi,dunque un periodo storico significativo per il nostro Paese,di più di mezzo secolo di storia,durante il quale troviamo avvicendarsi accadimenti storici che riportano inevitabilmente a temi ben più che attuali. Entrando in merito all’argomento prepostomi,comincerei con l’analizzare la nascita della nostra Repubblica,e se mi permettete,di suddividere questo mezzo secolo in diverse fasi.
Il 2 giugno 1946 gli italiano vengoni chiamati a votare un referendum per decidere se l’Italia should remain a monarchy or become a Repubblica.Il were 54% of voters opted for the Repubblica.Nacque The Government De Gasperi and began what are known as''the years of reconstruction.''Italy, destroyed by war and bloodless just ended, implements a policy of economic renewal and political neo-suited to current European standards, will become in the years to follow, a superpotenza.Sicurezza political, economic stabiltà, raising the standard of living, conditions which will result in all so-called''boom''that is, the maximum period of economic exuberance that our beautiful country,''lived in'' 1958-luster 1963.Questi years saw Italy radically transformed the social, as a result of improved living conditions due to the economic miracle of the previous years, and the rise of radical movements, especially of common matrix, youth and workers, who introduce major changes to costume, the general mentality and especially the so-called''scuola.Naquero years of protest''is the 1968! premise of not wanting to deal with such a vast subject in the world, but I want to focus on the birth of that in Italy and the changes they brought, and the similarities of the movement that shook our country more than forty years ago with those we see today happen in the streets of our cities. In Italy, the dispute was the result of a deep social malaise, accumulated in the sixties, due to the fact that the so-called economic boom had largely benefited the middle class and had not been accompanied by an appropriate increase in the social and economic level of the lower classes. The explosion of strikes by factory workers joined the student movement that challenged the content arrears and partial extension of education and claimed the right to education to the young of economic status disagiata.Soffermiamoci qui.Quanto analogies for now and how many differences you've noticed so far with what is happening today in Italian universities? The similarities in most cases are simple facts that are in common with others for a certain resemblance, but here take on gruesome aspects. Even if today the student protest movement is not related to workers' protest movement (the difference between yesterday and today,''''), as we do, we young people today, to fight for something for which our parents fought forty 'years ago? On January 24, 1966 in Trento was the first employment by an Italian university students. In May of '68 all universities, except Bocconi were occupate.Com 'it is possible that more than forty years after the first job of a university, the history si debba inesorabilmente ripetere?Queste due semplici domande rissumono quanto accaduto fin’ora in quarant’anni di Repubblica Sociale. UN BEL NULLA! Slogan inneggianti ai diritti per i lavoratori,cortei e manifestazioni tonanti per un’istruzione meritocratica,occupazioni per svecchiare la nostra secolare cultura,rivolte per sopprimere abusi di potere…… L’aura di pessimismo che mi pervade vede stracciati gli sforzi titanici che i nostri genitori fecero allora.L’unica cosa che mi auguro è che tra quarant’anni spero non ci sarà un ragazzo che scriverà lo stesso articolo.