Il mio blog non vuole essere un momento autocelebrativo. Negli ultimi mesi ci siamo uniti a Sandro Conti, per tanti anni vero direttore di Pescare Mare, e abbiamo costruto con pochissimi mezzi una nuova rivista: questa รจ Pianeta Pesca Mare. Personalmente iniziai con Surf casting report di Andrea Lia, poi per Pesca in Mare approdando poi a Pescare Mare che rappresentava a little bit my goal. For many years the work was rewarding but I do not mean financially. E 'increased with the magazine and the magazine myself in a very wise guidance. Then something is broken, not in our employees. When you begin to feel snubbed, this has happened to me, it's time to breathe deeply.
Planet Ocean Fishing, as a reader, a journalist, a fisherman, I think the most beautiful and interesting of the magazines on newsstands. So I decided independently to help out by creating this blog a few days on which was also published a preview of the magazine. In addition to writing you can write directly to the editorial board at info@mediatika.eu. Thank you for your interest
Mimmo Marfa
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