Monday, December 27, 2010

Milky Cervical Mucus Before Period

Ho bisogno di voi

Last night, wandering at random in the network, I stumbled on a site - on the whole irritating - that opened my eyes on one thing: I can not judge for themselves what they write.
And I can not even count on carte del mio mazzo, persone troppo vicine a me per muovere critiche pesanti, laddove ce ne fosse bisogno.
I miei testi hanno bisogno di critiche o complimenti che siano estranei, totalmente esterni alla mia vita, di gente che non conosce né la mia faccia né la mia storia. I miei testi hanno bisogno di qualcuno di diverso, qualcuno a cui piaccia sì leggere, ma che non abbia pietà nel commentare ciò che legge.
Se non farò questo, i miei testi saranno sempre orribili ai miei occhi, e fenomenali agli occhi dei miei amici.
Io, invece, voglio un parere esterno, di quelli che potrebbero - forse un giorno - essere i miei lettori.

Credo che questo blog sia poco frequentato, anzi ne sono certa. Ma se per If we stumble, and you would like to help me out, please contact me.
Thank you anyway.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Whats My Primer Annealing Temperature

Please talk about the (holy, not even at all) Christmas.

is well known that Jesus was not born on December 25. This date was chosen by the Church in the West, because it was already una festività pagana. Il 25 dicembre ricorreva la festa romana Dies Natalis Invicti Solis del compleanno del sole “non conquistato dalle tenebre”, che al solstizio invernale iniziava a prolungare la luce del giorno. Prima del 336 d.C., non potendo estirpare questa festività pagana, la Chiesa in Roma la spiritualizzò come festa della natività “del Sole di giustizia sorto a Betlemme”.
Ma allora quando nacque Gesù? 
Gesù fu concepito in Dicembre ma nacque in Settembre. La Parola è diventata carne al momento del suo concepimento non alla sua nascita. La Chiesa celebra la cosa sbagliata nel momento giusto. On December 25 we celebrate the birth of Jesus at a time when we should instead celebrate his conception (the Word made flesh). (1)
This is a prime example of 'Christian
hypocrisy. What is the point of celebrating the birth of someone who was not born a day? The truth as we understand very well that religion is not
faith and feeling , but something studied and decided by arbitration. One way to harness the power
. The Church is the ultimate power. The power of the church (not just Christian) is one of the oldest since the company was established organizations.
One other thing that I can not explain el '

said this today ... I do not know what to wish you Happy December 25, Good Weekend ... good food ... or maybe it's good on the proper "
Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, in any case, whatever it is one thing on earth, and human flesh. Nothing to do with anything spiritual.

(a site clearly Christian)
(The Crew as a group has distanced itself from this article refers only to the author).

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good Initiation For Rookies

first official announcement!

More and more people ask us what
Crew " you do not read the CREV but criù

Well I think it's time to reveal all. The Crew began as a group of friends who have nothing in common if not friendship, to put it Guccini "the want to drink wine and let it mess "by replacing the beer to wine.

founded this group we find the interests that unite us are many, we decided one day to give a name and a symbol of our union. The result is
Soon we realize that we need to do something bigger than that have fun and spend time together. We transform a simple group of friends before in a private club and then in a Association
enrolled. Can we have some
finanziamenti pubblici, anche grazie a degli agganci politici molto in alto nel sistema.
Spendiamo questi soldi per I nostril interessi e per comprare politici, insomma tutto un giro di giostra che ci frutta qualche soldino.

A questo punto la maggior parte delle persone si sarebbe fermata, arrivando ben oltre le più rosee aspettative, che motivo c’è di andare avanti, magari rischiando anche?
Nessuno! Se non la voglia di potere e di fama che contraddistingue i membri. 
Nel giro di poche settimane La Crew passa dall’essere una “semplice” associazione ad un
political party, a party elite. And it is my greatest honor to announce here in this space to us so dear that we are ready to take the field . There will not be taking Berlusconi, the Crew will revolutionize the world!

are the words that you wanted to hear? If someone was waiting for it? Let me reassure my loved ones, we have no intention of conquering the world (for now). We do not want to do politics, at least not in an active form. It 'obvious that we have political ideas that share here on this blog when we feel like it. We are not a political party nor an association, we're just a group of friends who want to have fun and exchange some ideas, grow in the best possible way: comparing . no hope of any role of power, at least not as a group. So to those who see with the eye warily I would advise you to relax, there are more important things to look at and many, perhaps too many more important things to do! Enjoy life as long as it lasts!

The Crew

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Fix Erratic Periods

Benvenue-Welcome-Willkommen-Mire if wines

Our first blog!
Why those who need to speak should do so without hindrance. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis blog is coming as well, talking!
Specifically yesterday spoke of "merchants and" fair ", a topic heavy, corrosive, which will weigh on the stomach and conscience, and thus giving freedom to both, in a friendly debate semi-seriously, the idea the spark. Activate a blog! That's it, and here we are.
not feel (I speak in the plural because we manage this space group) the need to thematic limitations, this is not a forum. We rely the will of the readers maintain a certain level of compliance in response to the post, according not only to the rules of this space, but in general conformity with the rules that form the basis of civil confrontation with other people.
Anyone can intervene, raising issues, denouncing the facts, or simple curiosity by sharing with the web community.
More than ever we respect the freedom of speech, denouncing those who hurt!

Greetings, the authors