the Crew " you do not read the CREV but criù
Well I think it's time to reveal all. The Crew began as a group of friends who have nothing in common if not friendship, to put it Guccini "the want to drink wine and let it mess "by replacing the beer to wine.
Soon we realize that we need to do something bigger than that have fun and spend time together. We transform a simple group of friends before in a private club and then in a Association
enrolled. Can we have some Spendiamo questi soldi per I nostril interessi e per comprare politici, insomma tutto un giro di giostra che ci frutta qualche soldino.
political party, a party elite. And it is my greatest honor to announce here in this space to us so dear that we are ready to take the field . There will not be taking Berlusconi, the Crew will revolutionize the world!
are the words that you wanted to hear? If someone was waiting for it? Let me reassure my loved ones, we have no intention of conquering the world (for now). We do not want to do politics, at least not in an active form. It 'obvious that we have political ideas that share here on this blog when we feel like it. We are not a political party nor an association, we're just a group of friends who want to have fun and exchange some ideas, grow in the best possible way: comparing . no hope of any role of power, at least not as a group. So to those who see with the eye warily I would advise you to relax, there are more important things to look at and many, perhaps too many more important things to do! Enjoy life as long as it lasts!
The Crew
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