Friday, December 24, 2010

Whats My Primer Annealing Temperature

Please talk about the (holy, not even at all) Christmas.

is well known that Jesus was not born on December 25. This date was chosen by the Church in the West, because it was already una festività pagana. Il 25 dicembre ricorreva la festa romana Dies Natalis Invicti Solis del compleanno del sole “non conquistato dalle tenebre”, che al solstizio invernale iniziava a prolungare la luce del giorno. Prima del 336 d.C., non potendo estirpare questa festività pagana, la Chiesa in Roma la spiritualizzò come festa della natività “del Sole di giustizia sorto a Betlemme”.
Ma allora quando nacque Gesù? 
Gesù fu concepito in Dicembre ma nacque in Settembre. La Parola è diventata carne al momento del suo concepimento non alla sua nascita. La Chiesa celebra la cosa sbagliata nel momento giusto. On December 25 we celebrate the birth of Jesus at a time when we should instead celebrate his conception (the Word made flesh). (1)
This is a prime example of 'Christian
hypocrisy. What is the point of celebrating the birth of someone who was not born a day? The truth as we understand very well that religion is not
faith and feeling , but something studied and decided by arbitration. One way to harness the power
. The Church is the ultimate power. The power of the church (not just Christian) is one of the oldest since the company was established organizations.
One other thing that I can not explain el '

said this today ... I do not know what to wish you Happy December 25, Good Weekend ... good food ... or maybe it's good on the proper "
Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, in any case, whatever it is one thing on earth, and human flesh. Nothing to do with anything spiritual.

(a site clearly Christian)
(The Crew as a group has distanced itself from this article refers only to the author).


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