Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Do They Review A Ball In A Tennis March

Strawberry Risotto with Butter Frosting

The original recipe I took from the kitchen blog Irina even if I changed a few things to my taste ....


rice 1 small onion 50 g butter
+ a small walnut
vegetable broth
a glass of sparkling wine frozen strawberries
green pepper

thinly slice the onion and fry with the butter in a pan, non stick if possible.
Add the rice and toast it lightly, add the sparkling mix often.
Combine strawberries cut in 4.
Add the vegetable stock gradually, stirring constantly and bring to the end of cooking.
When the rice is cooked, add a small knob of butter and serve with a green pepper.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Images Pieces Of Bone In Gum


100g butter
1 b. vanillin
70 g fresh cream cake with icing sugar 400g

Place all ingredients in a bowl and work with an electric mixer, or un'impastatrice.

If you want to color the icing, divide it into different containers and add the food coloring.

In this case I used half dose of the ingredients.
For Muffins I used the recipe for Soft Cocoa Cake

Rate Of Cellular Respiration Of Mammal V

Mini Cake Fast ...

Two small flans and quickly decorated with simple whipped cream with the icing sugar and some grated dark chocolate ....
For cakes I used the dough Soft Cake with Cocoa , softened with a little sugar water and a few drops of alkermes.

and the cleaning of ladles and two collaborators special palette ...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Largest Curling Iron Size

Gnocchi Pasta with Zucchini Shrimp and Clams

ingredients :

zucchini 1 onion, peeled shrimp
frozen shelled clams frozen
oil salt black pepper

Quickly Prepare dumplings.

thinly slice the onion and fry in hot oil.
Cut the zucchini into chunks and add to onion and salt.

Cover with a lid and continue cooking for a few minutes.

Thaw shrimp and clams by making them cook for few minutes in a saucepan with water, drain well and add the zucchini, season doing everything, sprinkle with a plenty of ground pepper.

Combine dumplings, cooked and drained, flavor and taste ....

thank you for your cooperation

Fisherman Smurf

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Take Out Phlegm From Baby

Banner Friends

create your own banner at! create your own banner at!

Vintage Softasilk Recipes

Focaccia with yeast

few days ago I made my first sourdough.
Last night I prepared the dough to make buns today, but I had a great fear of poisoning someone ....

ingredienti: lievito madre 200 g
farina 500 g
acqua 250 g
olio 40 g
un cucchiaino di zucchero

2 cucchiaini di sale
Mettere il lievito in un'impastatrice, o in una scodella, unire l'olio l'acqua e lo zucchero, metà farina e impastare un pochino.
Aggiungere l'altra farina mischiata con il sale e impastare per 10 minuti.
Formare una palla, coprire con un canovaccio e lasciare lievitare a temperatura ambiente per 10-12 ore.
Dopo la lievitazione prendere l'impasto e fare una due pieghe, per rinforzare l'impasto.
Dividere a metà the mixture, anointing them with oil both above and below, put them in two pans and let rise for another 2 hours.
Then press the dough with your fingers, filling the pan, sprinkle a little salt on the surface.
Let stand for 10 minutes and then again with your fingers squeeze the dough to form the grooves.
Pour the mixture a little water about 30 ml and a little oil with your hands and spread them throughout the mixture.
Season the mixture as the PIA you like and bake in a hot oven.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

If You Dont Treat Herpes

Ravioli stuffed with asparagus in a saffron cream

yesterday with my mom I made these wonderful ravioli with wild asparagus, tAll collected from both my parents last Sunday. We have prepared very simply, to stand up to the taste of asparagus.

for pasta: fresh egg pasta

the ingredients for the filling we used: wild asparagus

salt pepper 1 egg yolk
egg 1 tablespoon Parmesan breadcrumbs

Pulito gli asparagi e tolta la parte del gambo più dura.
Li abbiamo cotti a vapore e tritati grossolanamente con un coltello.
Amalgamandoli con il tuorlo e un cucchiaio di pangrattato, un pizzico di sale, una macinata di pepe e abbondante parmigiano reggiano.

Per il condimento:
ho soffritto una
cipolla fresca
in poco
, poi ho spento il fuogo ho aggiunto una philadelphia e un pizzico di zafferano e un pizzico di sale . Ho aggiunto poca acqua di cottura dei ravioli formando una cremina, nella quale ho fatto insaporire i raviolli.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Older Woman Date 18 Year Old


Different Old Model Vw Sand Rails

Lasagna with Cabbage

cabbage 1 onion olio sale
pepe nero

besciamella vegetale

Preparare la pasta e lasciarla riposare in frigo per 30 minuti. Lavare bene il cavolo verza e tagliarlo a striscioline. Affettare una cipolla  biancha frescha e farla imbiondire in padella con poco olio, unire la verza un pizzico di sale e una macinata di pepe, mezzo nicchiare di acqua e lasciare cuocere con un coperchio girando spesso.
Preparare la besciamella, e lasciarla intiepidire.
Formare la lasagna sistemando in una teglia prima uno strato di besciamella, poi la pasta e le verdure e di nuovo la besciamella. Continuare così fino alla fine. Cucinare in forno per un 30 minuti circa, in base agli strati ottenuti.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Stop Cats From Getting Into Plant Pots

Greetings to all Women! Soft Cake with Cocoa


today at the school of my children are the carnival and yesterday while returning home from a tiring morning to hospital for checks to My little Fabrizio,

had to put myself under to prepare something.
And I made the chocolate truffles from my friend Stephanie, who recently gave me the recipe but I had forgotten to take the photograph, now that I added.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blister On Tip If Pinis Infant


zucchero 250 g
farina 270 g
cacao amaro 30 g
olio extra vergine di oliva 100 g
acqua 130 g
uova 3
lievito per dolci 1 b.
Impastare le uova con lo zucchero, aggiungere la farina setacciata insieme al cacao e il lievito poi, l'acqua, continuando ad impastare e l'olio.
Versare in uno stampo e infornare a 150-170° in base al forno.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jewish Expressions To Congratulate A New Baby

Pizza Black to 7 grains with Cabbage and Bacon Mussels and Zucchini Fettuccine

In questi giorni ho visto diversi video su impasti
lievito madre, pizze e focacce. Ieri ho elaborato un po di notizie e
ho voluto provare a fare un impasto con la farina nera, quella ai 7 cereali. Ho fatto un impasto abbastanza molle con, 500 g di farina ai 7 cereali 2 cucchiaini di zucchero 1 b. di lievito liofilizzzato
1 cucchiaino di sale
acqua tanta quanta ne è bastata per fare un impasto non troppo asciutto,
 facendolo lievitare per 18 ore.
Poi dopo aver fatto le pieghe per assorbire i liquidi, l'ho  lievitare per altre 4-5 ore.

Il condimento l'ho fatto con
il cavolo verza, appena ammorbidito in padella con un filo di olio extra vergine di oliva, e sale.
Il formaggio asiago messo sull'impasto prima delle verdure.
Alla fine ho steso sopra dello speck.

... with the other dough I prepared

a daisy and a crisp focaccia with olive oil, salt and rosemary.
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zucchini white wine parsley
garlic salt black pepper

Sauté the garlic with the parsley.
Combine the mussels already cleaned, cooking over high heat until it will be open then,
peel one side.

Cut the zucchini into strips, put them together with the mussels, cover with a lid and then cook for a few minutes.

Remove lid, add half glass of wine and continue cooking for another few minutes over medium heat, being careful not to wipe too much sauce. Add just a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper.
Cook the fettuccine, drain, add to the sauce and cook.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Imitation Metal Core Scooter Wheels

banner here at last my final ... after several botched tests I have entrusted to