I heard this song. She inspired me to write this post.
Feel the League says that immigrants shoot on sight, to send them back home, not welcome them and it makes you think: But we we were a nation of immigrants? Do some research and find out what all the effects we yet!
According Confimpreseitalia each year sono 60.000 gli under 40 che abbandonano il nostro paese , si tratta per la maggior parte di laureati, personale qualificato che cerca lavoro all’estero. Come se una città medio-grande ogni anno scomparisse , o meglio se ne andrebbe via dall'Italia, una città composta non da persone comuni, ma come detto da gente qualificata.
Maggiore è la cifra se si considerano i soli cambi di residenza, ma senza limitare l’età, ci aggiriamo intorno ai 90.000 cambi di residenza nell’ultimo anno.
Le mete per gli italiani sono even those of their grandparents than half of the brain drain prefer Europe, almost a 40% fly overseas in the U.S., and young people to emigrate more than the south, the record is up to provinces to Rome but the third place with 140,000 emigrants Cosenza. Although the success rate for those going abroad are quite good, whereas only 1 out of 5 can not find work or fails to settle. But the most shocking is that in 2009 there were more emigrants immigrants in Italy, albeit for a few tens of thousands is a fact that should give pause.
What pisses me off is that to leave are the best minds who want to study, do research. Who wants to be carried out (honestly) is forced to flee!
I leave the lyrics, so we understand better, even if it is full of references that not everyone may know :
with melancholy, all in the all who mourn,
touch the bottom as the Andrea Doria.
who works does not take home, all in their underwear, not those of Borat.
People are lonely, drunk as John Bohnam then chokes.
The junta is deaf as Beethoven when composing the "Ninth".
e pensare che per Dante questo era il "Bel paese là dove 'l si sona",
per pagare le spese bastava un diploma, non fare la star o l'icona
né buttarsi in politica con i curricula presi da Staller Ilona.
Nemmeno il caffè sa più di caffè, ma sa di caffè di Sindona
And then they all go. From there they all go.
not you realize it but they all go from here.
Goodbye Melancholy
How have you reduced to this state?
Melancholy Goodbye
Tell me who you reduced it in that state.
Melancholy Goodbye
How have you reduced to this state?
Melancholy Goodbye
Tell me who you reduced it in that mood.
brain drain, capitali in fuga, migranti in fuga dal bagnasciuga.
E' Malinconia, terra di santi subito e sanguisuga.
Il paese del sole in pratica oggi paese dei raggi UVA.
Non è l'impressione, la situazione è più grave di un basso tuba.
E chi vuole rimanere ma come fa, ha le mani legate come Andromeda,
qua ogni rapporto si complica come quello di Washington con Teheran,
si peggiora con l'età, ti viene il broncio da Gary Coleman.
Metti nella valigia la collera e scappa da Malinconia.
So they all go ...
Melancholy Goodbye
Maybe tomorrow I hope we find tomorrow.
Melancholy Goodbye
Hope did we get here, how did it get this far.
Melancholy Goodbye
We had it all, fools we let it slip away.
Every step was out of place
and in this world we fell from grace,
looking back we lost our way,
an innocent time we all betrayed
and in time can we all learn,
not to crawl away and burn.
Stand up and don't fall down.
Be a king for a day,
in man we all pray.
[1] asei.eu
[2] repubblica.it
[3] ilsole24ore.com
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