(Published by the day FREE INFORMATION Friday, 09/24/2010)
of Noam Chomsky, linguist
The main element of social control is the distraction of the strategy is to divert the public's attention from important issues and changes agreed by the political and economic elites using the technique of continuous deluge or flood of distractions and trivial information. The distraction of the strategy is also needed to avoid the public interest in the essential knowledge in science, economics, psicologias, neurology and cybernetics. "Divert public attention from real social problems, to keep it from impriogionata issues without real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, without giving him time to think, always returning to the farm as other animals (cited in the text" Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ")."
2 - Creare il problema e poi offrire la soluzione.
Questo metodo è anche chiamato "problema - reazione - soluzione". Si crea un problema, una "situazione" che produrrà una determinata reazione nel pubblico in modo che sia questa la ragione delle misure che si desidera fare accettare. Ad esempio: lasciare che dilaghi o si intensifichi la violenza urbana, oppure organizzare attentati sanguinosi per fare in modo che sia il pubblico a pretendere le leggi sulla sicurezza e le politiche a discapito della libertà. Oppure: creare una crisi economica per fare accettare come male necessario la diminuzione dei diritti social and the dismantling of public services.
3 - The strategy of gradualism.
To accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually dropped to a trickle for a while 'for consecutive years. This is the way in which social and economic conditions radically new (neoliberal) were imposed in the '80s and '90s: an idle state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, wages can no longer ensure decent incomes, so many that they would casmbiamenti caused a revolution if they had been applied only once.
4 - The strategy of delay.
Another way to gain acceptance for an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" at that time gaining the consent of the people for future application. It 's easier to accept a sacrifice of the immediate future. First, because the effort must not be done immediately. Second, because the people, the mass, always has a tendency to naively hope that "everything will be better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. This will give people more time to get used to the idea change and accept it with resignation when the time comes.
5 - Consult the people as children.
The majority of direct use to the general public speeches, arguments, characters and a pitch particularly for children, often in a weak voice, as if the viewer were a creature of few years or a moron. The more one tries to deceive the viewer, the more they tend to use a childish tone. Why? "If someone is addressing a person as if it had 12 years or less, then, due to suggestibility, this probably will tend to an answer or a reazione priva di senso critico come quella di una persona di 12 anni o meno (vedi "Armi silenziose per guerre tranquille")".
6 - Usare l'aspetto emozionale molto più della riflessione.
Sfruttare l'emotività è una tecnica classica per provocare un corto circuito dell'analisi razionale e, infine, del senso critico dell'individuo. Inoltre, l'uso del tono emotivo permette di aprire la porta verso l'inconscio per impiantare o iniettare idee, desideri, paure e timori, compulsioni, o per indurre comportamenti.
7 - Mantenere la gente nell'ignoranza e nella mediocrità.
Far sì che la gente sia incapace di comprendere le tecniche ed i metodi usati per il suo controllo e la sua schiavitù. "La qualità dell'educazione data alle classi sociali inferiori deve essere la più povera e mediocre possibile, in modo che la distanza creata dall'ignoranza tra le classi inferiori e le classi superiori sia e rimanga impossibile da colmare da parte delle inferiori" (vedi "Armi silenziose per guerra tranquille".
8 - Stimolare il pubblico ad essere favorevole alla mediocrità.
Spingere il pubblico a ritenere che sia di moda essere stupidi, volgari e ignoranti.
9 - Rafforzare il senso di colpa-
Pretend esclusivamnente individual to be responsible for their misfortunes on him because of inadequate intelligence, ability or effort. Thus, instead of rebelling against the economic system, the individual autosvaluta and feels guilty, which in turn creates a state of depression, one of whose effects is the inhibition to act. And without action, there is no revolution.
10 - Getting to know people better than it coinosca.
Over the past 50 years, rapid advances in science have created a growing gap between the knowledge of people and those they enjoy and use the ruling elites. Thanks to the biology, neurobiology and mpsicologia applied, the "system" could benefit from an advanced understanding of human beings both physically and mentally. The system was able to meet the individual shared much better than he knows himself. This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and more power over people, far greater than what people carry on itself.
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