Chiesa sta a Cristianesimo come Pd sta a Comunismo
(ANSA) - ROMA, 11 FEB - Cardinal Camillo Ruini read 'amazement', a newspaper today, the news that he would be Uncle Guido Bertolaso. "In reality 'I have no family relationship, they' do next 'remote, Dr. Bertolaso, which also certainly appreciate the work of these years," Ansa said the cardinal.
far had not felt the need to refute a story that ran for decades in the political, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bnor himself had ever done. But perhaps the piece of bread given by the nephew to the Cardinal this time it was too big to swallow.
Yet the Church in recent months has digested benissimo anche le minorenni a letto col premier e la cocaina di Tarantini purchè in cambio Berlusconi la riempisse di soldi comprandone il silenzio. Certo c’era stato l’affaire Feltri-Boffo che però era ormai stato ricomposto, almeno nei rapporti col governo.
Per Berlusconi la questione giudiziaria di Bertolaso è un colpo durissimo anche perché sostanzialmente negli ultimi due anni l’unica attività che si è svolta nel nostro paese vede protagonista la Bertolaso S.P.A..
Dai rifiuti a Napoli alla Maddalena poi “scaricata”, dal terremoto a L’Aquila ai mondiali di nuoto ed ad ogni altro evento, pur minore, trattato come una emergenza nazionale. Perché ? Per permettere the new Sultan of civil protection to centralize all powers to itself in defiance of the laws and the much-praised federalism that this government really does not show that it will apply.
the remainder of the government did nothing except wait for it to pass inert crisis - like De Filippo's plays, where he provides step-by-Adda Nutt - while unemployment has grown by leaps and bounds and industrial production is even worse ; salaries and pensions last in Europe, have lost a lot of great in terms of purchasing power. Rifoma No, no change, only ads overwhelmed by reality.
has not done anything ... anyway, I forgot the relentless work dozens of ants legulei regime to churn out dozens of ad personam laws to their boss.
Yesterday the government on agriculture has fallen three times to the chagrin of the Minister Zaia sbertucciato by all: an MP has rightly pointed out that half of the compact would have been enough evidence for the laws to avoid yet another master's in bad shape, but we know that a parliament of servants kept the muzzle, can only give birth servility and nothing more.
For the frustrated anger some felt like the League take a hand, but you know how and they are no longer news ...
then removed and the hyperactive Bertolaso \u200b\u200bants pettifogger Prime Minister questo governo in due anni non ha fatto niente. Nulla. Nada de nada.
Anzi qualcosa ha fatto: provare ad ogni più sospinto a conculcare gli spazi televisivi dell’opposizione, come nell’ultima decisione di sopprimere i dibattiti per un mese prima delle elezioni.
Paura? Ma non dovevano vincere a mani basse e senza neanche l’apporto di Casini?
I giorni della merla sono finiti ma fa sempre freddo e si dice che a Roma potrebbe addirittura nevicare, dopo venticinque anni.
Certo se nevica a Roma forse anche qualche altro miracolo è possibile…
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