Friday, February 5, 2010
Calico Horse Trailer Review
Sinista Italian: but what next?
There is much talk today of a crisis of the left, a left unable to govern, of a left that fails to deal with Berlusconi. But what about the left? The problem
is that we should really answer this question, with an essay on the history of Italian politics of the past 20 years. I will try to highlight some key points, according to what is my point of view, namely the perspective of a man of "left", who believes that the left can govern, who wants the left is the alternative.
The real underlying problem of the left since the fall of communism is now represented by only one politician: Berlusconi. Yes, I'm not crazy, I know that Berlusconi has even the right heart, and my statement is neither a mistake nor a provocation. Berlusconi is a businessman rather than a politician. He does not propose solutions to the country: he sells dreams to the Italians. Can we really compare him to a god ground, which attracts the bleating masses of TV viewers. Yes, because if Jesus spoke to us through the Gospel, Berlusconi has a huge fleet of battleships television, newspaper carrier, galleys of publishing houses, through which the proposal is not obsessive propaganda of its policy, but the cult of his person . Through this procedure, the man in question is breached in families, in society, regional policy. Now, the post-Communist left, in an attempt to "compete" with such a character, it is essentially divided in two: on the one hand, the Communists, red hammer and sickle proud, faithful Communist ideology, who consider themselves ready to intervene and take to the streets and thus constitute part of the lively and maximalist left. On the other hand, we left a bureaucratic, institutional reform, which attempts, with moderate and programs through reform, to create a strong consensus other than Berlusconi, who relies on political action rather than to a charismatic figure man.
The problem with this type of leftist "Democratic", and here the Democratic understood using models of Western capitalist forces, is that, in general comes of Berlusconi, Berlusconi meaning as the set of all those factors mentioned above, tends to concentrate its political program in the synthesis of a single person program, which in recent times can be identified in Prodi, D'Alema, Veltroni and away saying. As these figures have neither the power nor the charisma of Silvio Berlusconi, to obtain the "numbers" needed to govern, must enter into agreements with a number of alliances with men of the "left", and this time the word left is to be understood as all that is left of Berlusconi, creating a veritable jumble of people and especially of conflicting ideologies.
Eccolo a mio a viso il nocciolo della questione: il Pd, che nasce da tutte queste premesse, è un partito che ancora oggi, sulla scia della prima linea veltroniana, non chiarisce quali siano i suoi elettori: sono gli ex-comunisti, o gli ex-democristiani? Esempi di spaccatura ce ne sono tanti, ma il più evidente mi sembra quello a proposito del “caso Englaro”. In un partito di sinistra, che vuole essere laico e riformista, non si possono accettare figure politiche come quella della Binetti, numeraria dell’Opus Dei. In ogni caso, il Pd, quindi, figlio anch’esso del berlusconismo, anziché invertire la rotta, per le prossime elezioni non fa altro che confermarci quanto ipotizzato sopra: lo spostamento a centro, converging to the UDC, is now complete. It is now a party of ex-Communists who were converted. This is why, in my view, can not now represent the alternative: in the majority system, which does nothing but emphasize that bipolar so called from PDL and PD, using repeatedly to that of intellectual blackmail "useful vote", this party has very little "democratic", but also has very little left. It seems rather that the only alternative that really wants to propose, is the change of guard at the head of Berlusconi's power: the same stuff, but interpreters.
To Be Continued ...
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