In tutto ciò come si colloca la sinistra radicale? Per come la vedo io, la sinistra radicale galleggia perennemente tra due quesiti: quesito di coerenza e quesito di sopravvivenza. Il primo quesito è quello che più porta un partito comunista di oggi ad essere più simile ad un partito comunista di ieri. Il secondo quesito, invece, risponde all’esigenza di entrare nel governo, di far sentire la propria voce, di aderire a quella sinistra riformista antiberlusconiana e niente più.
Prendendo lo spunto da Rifondazione Comunista, notiamo come questo partito si sia trascinato ad un discreto livello di consensi per un ventennio about. Rifondazione always has some 'adopted a compromise between the line of consistency and that of survival for consistency, especially at first, members were those who were there at the turn of Bolognina, and adopted such a policy really programmatic alternative. Survival, however, because he always sought dialogue with the forces of the center-left. The highest point of consistency when Bertinotti was obviously brought down the Prodi government. Since then, more and more branded as the party of no, the members of the PRC underwent a split which was formed by the PDCI. And despite the substantial cleavage PRC responded well, because the electorate had understood and appreciated the consistency of that party: a party that is not to compromise in exchange for power. And this was perhaps the need and the demand left by the electorate. A completely different choice taken by the said, in essence, leadership in the last Prodi government. Concrete example: after an entire campaign based on the rejection of war and rising sign for reset. This loss of coherence, which marks the highest point of the struggle for survival, was not only counterproductive and did not save then the Prodi government, an experience bound to founder, but has even led to the disaster of the 'Rainbow.
In summary, the possible conclusions: I think absolutely out of the Democratic Party from any talk of political revival of the Left, especially if he can not break free from the specter of Berlusconi and the will to want to break down at all costs rather than build a new policy. This would be a democratic and centrist electoral cartel, which has the ambition to be nominally different from those who now rules this country. There is a clear tendency to prefer dialogue with the centrist forces, stronger, rather than radical ones.
PRC - and more generally the radical left - has substantially sin of wanting to shut down its ideology beautiful and immaculate, but this time quite close to the country's problems. At the same time ha oscillato repentinamente al polo opposto tradendo gli elettori che rappresentava. Sembra tuttavia che stia cercando un dialogo con tutte le forze della sinistra per creare una vera sinistra d’alternativa che sia forte, che metta al centro questioni come il precariato, le mafie e la distruzione ambientale. Ha proposto valide soluzioni al problema della crisi. Sostanzialmente è un partito che naviga ancora tra coerenza e sopravvivenza. Il mio suggerimento è quello di non perdere la coerenza ideologica, che come una bussola deve indicare sempre la strada e l’esercizio della virtù politica ai dirigenti; ma al tempo stesso deve snellirsi in una soluzione politica che possa anche superare il comunismo come ideale, come simbolo, come nome, al fine di creating what I believe to be the future Italian left, a kind of Die Linke Italian, and then a party that, trusting in a revival of the proportional electoral system, may increasingly look to reasons of political convenience or survival but can increase the consistency with the choices of voters, with the choices of workers, with the choices of the popular class of which he is spokesman and who wants to represent.
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