Sunday, January 9, 2011

Emblema Para Ragnarok De Pokemon

150 Years, I do not celebrate!

Celebrate 150 years of unity, or to celebrate the beginning of the end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies? This is the question to be asked.
The first thing to do is restore a minimum of historical truth, raped by a manipulation settendrional-League still relevant. "The officer of history "requires that a battered and torn south from the tyranny of the Bourbons he was freed, civilized and upgraded by the magnanimity of the Piedmontese. So it was a poor, backward, infested by robbers. According to this version of history in the South to poverty and backwardness so serious that the invasion of Piedmont was considered a boon for our popolazioni.Detto us what we're going to restore a bit of truth with facts and figures.
without increasing its stock. I would like to submit a mirror based on a book of Sciences of Finance, 1903
a certain Netti
Da sopra, si evince che: ( cito testualmente) :”le monete degli Stati italiani al momento dell’annessione ammontavano a 668milioni di cui solo 443,2 provenivano dalle casse del Mezzogiorno.
Ora non ci vuole di certo un Bocconiano o uno statista per interpretare dati cosi espliciti. Il Meridione non era di certo un ragno democratico, forse arretrato, ma sicuramente ricco. E dopo l’unificazione? Che fine fecero tali ricchezze? Forse che vennero utilizzate per la riqualificazione del sud? Forse che vennero riutilizzate per creare infrastrutture? O forse per avviare un economia martoriata, no, nulla di tutto this. Money used to swell the coffers of the Kingdom of Italy! This is my truth.
So after 150 years, what is there to celebrate?
If the stereotype of the average South remains: to 'rubbish', pizza, a song, a fatality. If you still are considered cool, but unreliable, mafia, or almost. I do not celebrate it, and you?


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