Friday, March 11, 2011

Vintage Softasilk Recipes

Focaccia with yeast

few days ago I made my first sourdough.
Last night I prepared the dough to make buns today, but I had a great fear of poisoning someone ....

ingredienti: lievito madre 200 g
farina 500 g
acqua 250 g
olio 40 g
un cucchiaino di zucchero

2 cucchiaini di sale
Mettere il lievito in un'impastatrice, o in una scodella, unire l'olio l'acqua e lo zucchero, metà farina e impastare un pochino.
Aggiungere l'altra farina mischiata con il sale e impastare per 10 minuti.
Formare una palla, coprire con un canovaccio e lasciare lievitare a temperatura ambiente per 10-12 ore.
Dopo la lievitazione prendere l'impasto e fare una due pieghe, per rinforzare l'impasto.
Dividere a metà the mixture, anointing them with oil both above and below, put them in two pans and let rise for another 2 hours.
Then press the dough with your fingers, filling the pan, sprinkle a little salt on the surface.
Let stand for 10 minutes and then again with your fingers squeeze the dough to form the grooves.
Pour the mixture a little water about 30 ml and a little oil with your hands and spread them throughout the mixture.
Season the mixture as the PIA you like and bake in a hot oven.


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